Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rain or no Rain, Always the question I need answered

5-25-07 Rain, rain, go away. It was 3:15 pm in Carmel and still sunny, but I spoke with my husband and Fishers and he just happened to mention a downpour just occurred in Fishers. Great, my session is to begin with a new client at 4pm. Please hold off, I'm getting ready to capture a new client and she has 3 young children to get ready, I really don't want to have to reschedule. Kelly Moulton was referred by two great clients I have in Fishers, Julie Elsbury and Amy Wellman... sure love great referrals- thanks. Kelly's children jumped out of their car and were ready to roll: Emma, Blake and active little Megan were rushed right into their photo session and performed outstanding. The rain was right on our back and we were able to capture the entire session outside. Great little shelter we captured their smiles under during the rain drops. All three children were a delight to capture.

New Beginnings

Welcome! So, finally 5-26-07... Simply for Memories has a blog which will be updated often. Check back often for updates- This is going to be so much fun!